
Eastern Afghans are mostly Pashtun, and dancing definitely Attan because they are very proud. Other groups dance Attan, but Pashtuns in any case. For example, at Attan, the women take other clothes with only Attan. Women sing for Attan at weddings. It's an obsession. You have to make Attan just right. Young people also pay very careful attention.
What I also find interesting is that you cannot actually do Attan right without long hair. But Islam actually forbids long hair except for wars. Therefore, if there was war and the men had long hair, they danced all Attan. You'll also find modern versions. All the tribes also have their own versions Attan. National Attan, the milli Attan, all Pashtuns can because it is a bit easier and is practiced at weddings.
Kurdish have because all have an ethnic group, a national dance. But Afghanistan is different. We have several ethnic groups and therefore it is more difficult.

Location: Hamburg, Germany
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Pashtun, Tajik
STORY ID: 00010