
At the Hamburger-Afghanistan Woche (a German-Afghan conference about Afghanistan), I've learned in the course of this seminar how to dance Attan because in the evenings we were awake until two, three, four clock in the morning, and where we danced so well. I have learned dancing at this seminar because I could practice every day and very much. So now that I’m glad to be working in Afghanistan as of three years ago, if there is the occasion when there is a wedding or family party, then they are all amazed that I can dance much better than many of the folks there, although I come from abroad. My cousins also practice and are well motivated, because that makes joy.
And this Afghan dance is a piece of our culture, which is one of the reasons why we have this seminar because we want to share a piece of culture with this dance. It’s great because people can practice it and have a week-long time. It is also a good opportunity to share and exchange music CDs. For example, my son (he’s on YouTube!) learned at age three or four the Attan. There are a couple of videos where Germans and Afghans dance the Attan together too. There is one German lady was here two to three times, for example, who also dances Attan.
My sister lives in Afghanistan, and I travel back and forth to Afghanistan for work so I visit them sometimes. We all have contact with the family in Kabul and Wardak.
There are mainly in Afghanistan no dance classes, dance halls, or the people meet but not just to dance. At weddings or even at home at family celebrations people dance, but it is not really organized dance here or in Afghanistan. In Afghanistan at weddings there is usually live music played so that makes even greater joy. But also sometimes, because of the war, young people cannot dance as well. A lot of times, if you live abroad you can dance better than the Afghans themselves. My cousins and some older folks can dance too, and the younger boys are so excited to also learn.
I had a cousin who got engaged and she and her fiancee brought every weekend into a room all the cousins together to dance, women and men. They wouldn’t have done that a couple of years ago. Younger people like the Attan too, and they make it much better and you can see the steps better. We also put on music at home and I dance. My son and he has learned it this way.
Of all the dances I've learned, I like Afghan dance most because you are in a circle with several people that connects everyone together. Even though I'm not that good, it's also fun. It 's so ... it somehow turns you in circles, and you're moving the whole body.

Location: Bonn, Germany
Age: 49
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Pashtun
STORY ID: 00020